
may 23rd 2024

done with the semester!!!!!! right now i'm catching up with cataloguing and sorting my new cards, and then once all of that is done, i'll start teaching myself js >:)) i want to get all my cards properly put away before i start anything else, theyve just been Out for so long that it's driving me crazy

i've also gotten some new cards that i'm really excited about!!! first and foremost, i just got the litten fullart!!!!!! over the moon about that one, i've been searching for it since it came out. i've also gotten some new tomokazu komiya cards, and found a new joltik for my collection. oh and i found the dipplin fullart!! a local store was selling it as part of a prerelease thing >:)))

i'm alsooooo making a custom wattrel card :] quite literally it came to me in a dream and I Need It. so! i'm making it myself ‹3

april 28th 2024

The Horrors. all of the school i put off to work on this website finally caught up with me. my to do list is Horrible.

i did get some new cards though!!!!!! got my absolute BELOVED shiny wattrel >:)) thats the main one ive been wanting since i found out paldean fates was releasing!!

now i just need the litten fullart and i'll have both of my blorbos ‹3

oh and!! in really exciting news, i FINALLY finished sleeving my entire collection!!! now everything is either in a good sleeve (for my nice cards) or a penny sleeve (for all the other cards). it feels so good knowing everything is so well protected now ^^ (to be clear - id already had all of my good cards sleeved, it was just the common ones that werent. im not a heathen)

april 8th 2024

yippeeee solar eclipse today!!!! i was SO excited you have no idea. got some great pictures, and got to spend it with my partner, best friend and my dad :)

AND what could round the day off better than getting some new pokemon cards ?? finally got the hisuian arcanine fullart with rei on the front, ive been trying to find that one for aages. thrilled to finally have it!! thats definitely my favorite of the bunch, but i also got a couple metal cards, and some really great fullarts :) and got my friend a solroc, for the eclipse!

not putting this in the changelog yet, since its still heavy in progress, but im also working on completely redoing this website :) right now though it looks a right and proper MESS. verrrry excited for it though >:)) ive got a longgg way ahead of me though

may jose guide my hand in this coding slog [inside joke]